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How Big Should A Hamster Cage Be?

A hamster cage or habitat should be spacious, safe, and clean. A spacious hamster cage gives your pet room to move around and run about and gives you more room to add additional toys, accessories, and bedding if desired. What’s the right size for your pet? It all depends on what type of hamster you have and what your hamster’s preferences are like. If your pet is an active dwarf hamster or Syrian hamster, then you’ll want to get a large cage with plenty of floor space available.

But how big should a hamster cage be? The answer depends on the type of hamster you have. For example, if you have the smaller Syrian hamster, you’ll need at least 2 cubic feet of space—and that’s in addition to toys and bedding! On the other hand, if you have the larger Campbell’s Russian dwarf hamster, a spacious 1-cubic-foot cage should suffice. Next we will tell you how big should a hamster cage be.

The Right Size for Different Types of Hamsters

Wooden hamster cages are the perfect home for your furry friend. They are made of high-quality materials and are designed to provide your hamster with plenty of space to explore and play. Wooden cages also come with a variety of accessories to make your hamster's life more comfortable and fun. If you're looking for a high-quality, affordable cage for your hamster, wooden is the way to go.Their cages are made of high-quality materials and are designed to provide your hamster with plenty of space to explore and play. Wooden cages also come with a variety of accessories to make your hamster's life more comfortable and fun.

39.4" L x 19.7" W x 19.7" H. ( 776 square inches of floorspace ) Over 19.7 inches height can hold the thick layer of bedding for pets to dig about and tunnel in. This cage was designed for you to match the desire to establish your hamster's habitats. Due to plenty of spaces, it's easy to arrange their hideout, sandbath area, hamster wheel, or exploring scene as your individual wishes and achieve many habitats decor theme per design.

Is the Cage Easy to Clean?

Comes with a sheet of PVC board that covers the floor and preventing water or pet-urine soaking into the wood, it's easier to clean than most of the wooden small animal's cages. Slide-in connections Design serves to install quickly, please follow the instruction and install the cage step by ste
It’s recommended for hamsters, Degus, Mice and most of the Syrian hamsters, it’s not suitable for destructive rodents as they love to bite anything

Does it have Quality, Sturdy Materials?

Assemble Simply - The wooden boards of the cage are thick and the slot is accurate enough to reduce the difficulty of the installation. Besides, the rubber rings are enhancing the stability of small animal cage.

How Much Room Can You Give Your Hamster?

39.4" L x 19.7" W x 19.7" H. ( 776 square inches of floorspace ) Over 19.7 inches height can hold the thick layer of bedding for pets to dig about and tunnel in. This cage was designed for you to match the desire to establish your hamster's habitats. Due to plenty of spaces, it's easy to arrange their hideout, sandbath area, hamster wheel, or exploring scene as your individual wishes and achieve many habitats decor theme per design.

Air flow in The Cage – Vents, Windows and Filters

Comfy & Transparent Wooden Hamster Cages - The roof vent is designed to bring more fresher air to the pet’s habitat and that can make your little friend play or sleep comfortably. Also, the transparent three sides PET boards and a roof Acrylic board are better to observe the small animals from more angles.
Creative Inclined Cage Door - The inclined skylight will convenient for decorating hamster stuff, arranging pet living areas, changing bedding, cleaning the pet house and teasing pets.

What Type of Flooring is Best for Your Hamster’s Habitat

The bedding that you choose for your hamster’s cage is the foundation upon which you will place everything else. This bedding will cover the entire floor of the cage and will be what he burrows in, day in and day out.

Bedding is also something your hamsters may chew on, use to make their bed, hide their food in, and even use the bathroom in.

There is a lot to take into consideration in purchasing this item.

Determining what will work best for your pet may take a little trial and error, depending on what your hamster likes.

Also, some hamsters have allergies to certain products so you will want to keep an eye on him for the first few days after using a new type of cage bedding.

Generally speaking, it is ideal to cover the floor of the cage with about 3 to 4 inches of wood shaving, pellets, shredded papers, hay, or grass. This will provide your hamster with a place to burrow and hide, as well as to absorb smells and urine messes.

You will also need to offer some nesting material to put in the hamster's house for him to sleep in.

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